Tuesday 30 March 2010

Rich Applications using Richfaces, JPA and MySQL

Hi...thought of writing this for the benefit of those who are building apps using JSF (Richfaces), JPA and MySQL. I have been playing around a lot with Appfuse and I feel it is still the best working and supported quick start application available in the market to setup and start your project in no time. Though to get it to work with Richfaces took some time to mature to a point where I can now start helping you guys out there who have some questions and can't find an answer or a solution.
My current issues with RichFaces is with browser compatibility and consistency across browsers :(


  1. Appfuse gives you a capability to quick start your apps with different flavours Struts, JSF, Spring etc. There are code generation freemarker templates but they are good toa point where you need basic CRUD functionality. A little bit more JPA annotation complexities and it fails to impress you. I am spending sometime evaluating the value of extending these templates vs going the old fashioned way..hand code every line. Will keep you posted on the progress, in the mean time if you have brilliant ideas please post them here.

  2. Things have moved on from appfuse in the past almost two years. I have evaluated openXava and have liked it a bit, I have played around with NetBeans plugins that allow you to create JSF CRUD apps in less than 5 minutes. But there is still much more to achieve. OpenXava has a built in annotation support that allows you to add validations and business rules. Worth a try.
